Stop Writing Bland Content If You Want To Grow

3 ways to create content that stands out

Hey friends,

Thanks for the positive feedback on the last 2 editions of The Compelling Writer. I get a real buzz when it helps people. It’s why I write.

We’ve been looking at how to get more readers for your writing.

Today is the last part of this mini-series. It’s the most important. But it’s also the hardest to do. But don’t panic I’ve got the help you need.

So let’s get to it.

Anyone can write online

That’s why there’s bland content everywhere.

The same ideas get recycled. ChatGPT is causing an explosion in dull writing. This is both bad and good news for you.

Bad news - there’s more content vying for attention.

Good news - you’ll get noticed if your content is distinct

Here are 3 ways to generate original content people will want to read.

1. Go beyond the obvious

You’ll become a distinct voice if you take what everyone is saying. Then push it a little deeper.

Every niche has the same truths recycled. You can make your content fresh by taking a common idea and:

  • tackling why people don’t practice it

  • give a specific technique on how to do it

  • deliver strong evidence that this truth matters

For example:

Creators are often told to tell more stories if they want to be great communicators.

Don’t repeat this. You’ll be boring and no one will read your stuff. Instead find a way to take this popular idea a little further:

  • Identify why some creators don’t tell stories (scared, don’t have any, too hard work)

  • Explain how to come up with new stories every week

  • Offer a 3 part framework to shape your stories

  • Compare 2 adverts - story vs. non-story - and reveal the massive difference in results

Do this and you’ll become a thought leader in your field.

Someone who adds value by going beyond the obvious.

2. Correct an obsession

Most writers see what the ‘experts’ write and repeat it. This leads to endless repetition and a cult following around certain ideas. This happens in all areas.

It is crucial to spot these:

  • Self-improvement - cold showers, morning routine & habits

  • Investors - index funds

  • Writing - write daily/be consistent

When an idea is pushed too far it becomes unhelpful. You don’t have to write daily to be a writer. Habits are not the only way to improve yourself. Some investors enjoy being involved with their investments (the opposite of index funds).

This is your opportunity to stand out. Spot when an idea is overcooked then challenge it. Your unique insights will win you favour.

For example:

You can’t write daily if you work shifts or have caring responsibilities. But you can do this…

A complicated morning routine gets in the way of improving yourself….

Lance an obsession with your correction.

3. Offer real solutions for real problems

Your readers are selfish (present company excluded).

They want writers to solve their real problems. Consider your reader’s pain points. Find something that would help them. But don’t talk theory. Share what works.

The most powerful way to do this is to offer solutions that have worked for you. Write fewer how-tos and more how-I. This proves the solutions works. And gives you stories to share (and we know everyone loves stories).

Practicing the ideas you write about will give you deeper insights. You’ll realise what works. What doesn’t. And why.

This is my whole writing strategy:

  • Learn something

  • Try it out

  • Share this in public

Readers find this irresistible.

Use these 3 ideas to generate your content. Then your writing will get noticed.

And that is the best feeling in the world.

Did you miss parts 1 & 2?

Don’t worry I’ve got you covered:

A free product for you (this week only)

if you want to build an audience on Twitter (X) you’ll be interested in the digital product I’ve released.

I analyse my 10 best hooks and explain why they worked so well. Including one that hit 27,000 views when I only had 50 followers.

You’ll get valuable tactics you can use to grab more attention on X. You can access it here. But reply to this email and I’ll send it to you for free (normal price $20).

What I’ve been reading…The Art & Business of Online Writing by Nicolas Cole

because I’m looking to improve my writing skills.

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